Federation Of Exchanges To Focus On Regulatory Coherence In 2019


The World Federation of Exchanges (WFE), the global industry group for exchanges has agreed its 2019 business priorities will focus on the following areas: regulatory coherence or market fragmentation; technology-related policy work on topics including initial coin offerings (ICOs), crypto assets and cyber resilience; environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues in market structure; clarifying the nature of market data; and CCP-related capital matters.

 2019’s five business priorities will sit alongside the WFE’s ongoing work around understanding, defining, and quantifying the economic and social role of exchanges and CCPs.

 The WFE will continue to deliver its market-leading regulatory and research work, with a strong focus on standard setting in the year ahead, combined with developing industry consensus positions, best practice, and industry guidance. The WFE’s four strategic pillars of advocacy, education, emerging markets, and post-trade continue to underpin its work.

 The WFE’s 18-member Board and 71-member Working Committee held their first meetings of 2019 earlier this year in London, hosted by Nasdaq, to discuss and agree the ongoing work of the WFE and its forward agenda. At this meeting the Board also approved the admission of the Dar Es Salaam Stock Exchange as a full member of the WFE.

 Urs Rüegsegger, Chairman of SIX Swiss Exchange and Chairman of the WFE, said: “The next two years will be a period of change and transformation across capital markets globally, and for exchanges and CCPs as guardians of public markets. At the WFE we look forward to ensuring that the market structure of the future continues to uphold the principles of fairness, transparency and order, and that we remain close to our customers and stakeholders. Market integrity sits at the heart of WFE’s members’ mandates, and we are working to preserve that trust.”


 Nandini Sukumar, CEO, WFE said: “Our 2019 strategic business priorities are closely aligned firstly with the practical matters that face each and every one of our 71 exchange and CCP members, regardless of size or jurisdiction; and secondly, with the future vision of our industry. We look forward to another transformative year in the history of this global organisation. In 2020 the WFE will celebrate its 60thanniversary, demonstrating the continued relevance and value of regulated markets.”
