DLM Capital Group Ltd has quoted N1.24 billion Series 1 and N1.01 billion Series 2 Commercial Papers (CPs) on the FMDQ Securities Exchange Ltd platform.
A statement issued by FMDQ Exchange on Thursday explained that the quotation was approved by the FMDQ’s Board Listings and Markets Committee, under the company’s N20 billion CP issuance programme.
The statement quoted the Group Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, DLM Capital, Mr Sonnie Ayere, as saying that the company was pleased with the transaction.
“DLM Capital Group is pleased to announce the quotation of its N1.24 billion Series 1 and N1.01 billion Series 2 CPs under the N20 billion CP issuance programme on the FMDQ Exchange.
“This reinforces the group’s developmental mandate of supporting the sustainable growth of small and medium-sized corporates across the country, in addition to supporting our growing retail and consumer finance business,” he said.
DLM Capital Group Ltd is a development investment bank focused on providing innovative solutions to economic and social development problems that impact everyday lives of people.
The statement noted that the continuous admission of these securities to FMDQ Exchange’s platform was reflective of the potential of the Nigerian Debt Capital Market (DCM).
“The commendable level of confidence demonstrated by both issuers and investors in the market, validates the Exchange’s conscious drive to support the goals of corporate businesses and to deepen the Nigerian financial markets.
“FMDQ Exchange is committed to powering the growth of the Nigerian DCM by steadfastly availing its efficient and value-adding platform for the registration, listing, quotation, and trading of securities.”