The transactions contributed 28.15% and 33.48% to the total equity turnover volume and value respectively.
Also traded during the week were a total of 1,727 units of Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) valued at N333,925.78 executed in 9 deals, compared with a total of 2,304 units valued at N376,541.65 that was transacted in the previous week in 16 deals.
Meanwhile, a total turnover of 925.630 million shares worth N8.333 billion in 15,565 deals were traded within the period by investors in contrast to a total of 1.391 billion shares valued at N20.316 billion that exchanged hands in the previous week in 20,064 deals.
The Financial Services Industry (measured by volume) led the activity chart with 680.751 million shares valued at N5.283 billion traded in 8,524 deals; thus contributing 73.54% and 63.40% to the total equity turnover volume and value respectively. The Healthcare Industry followed with 47.664 million shares worth N31.197 million in 531 deals. The third place was occupied by Conglomerates Industry with a turnover of 40.814 million shares worth N63.710 million in 728 deals.
The NSE All-Share Index depreciated by 2.89% while Market Capitalization depreciated by 2.86% to close the week at 35,446.47 and N12.941 trillion respectively.
Similarly, all other indices finished lower with the exception of the ASeM Index that closed flat
Twenty (20) equities appreciated in price during the week, lower than thirty-four (34) in the previous week. Forty-seven (47) equities depreciated in price, lower than forty-eight (48) equities of the previous week, while one hundred and three (103) equities remained unchanged higher than eighty-seven (87) equities recorded in the preceding week.