My Defection To APC Informed By Patriotic Considerations, Says Okeke, Anambra Deputy Governor


Deputy Governor of Anambra State, Dr Nkem Okeke, has dismissed claims and reports in some quarters that his recent defection from the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) to the All Progressives Congress (APC) was informed by APGA’s failure to choose him as its candidate for the forthcoming November 6 gubernatorial election in the state. He also said it was not true that demanded a fleet of bullet-proof cars from his principal, Governor Willie Obiano, and left the party in anger when his request was not granted 

“My recent defection from APGA to APC had nothing whatsoever to do with any imaginary governorship ambition or demand for bullet-proof cars but was informed purely by patriotic considerations. It is a step in the right direction to enable me offer my skills set, experience and services to Nigeria as needed for common good, having served Anambra State meritoriously and reached the peak as Deputy Governor,” Dr. Okeke said in a statement issued on Saturday and signed by his Senior Special Assistant, Mr Nonso Ulasi. 

Insisting that he could not have aspired to succeed his boss, Dr. Okeke said: “Truth is eternal. Anambra State has three senatorial districts; Anambra Central, Anambra North and Anambra South. There is an agreement in place from the very beginning within the APGA family that the governorship seat would rotate through the three senatorial zones; Anambra North, Anambra Central and Anambra South. Gov Peter Obi was from Anambra Central and at the end of his tenure there was agitation by candidates from both North and South for the slot but by what seemed a consensus, it was given to the North. Everyone knew that by the same arrangement the next Governor would be from Anambra South senatorial zone. I am from Anambra Central and aware of this rotational arrangement from the onset.

“There could not have been any ambition to succeed Governor Obiano going by the above. It is absolute falsehood to relate my defection to denial of governorship ticket. The allusion is from mischief makers and baseless. There was no time I, Dr. Nkem Okeke, indicated to anyone dead or alive that I was interested in succeeding Gov Willie Obiano.” 

On the tale making the rounds that the Deputy Governor left APGA because he was denied a fleet of bullet-proof cars in his convoy, the statement said: “Dr Okeke has lived without any bullet-proof car in his convoy till date. Even so this has not detracted him from the person he is nor his sworn desire to consistently give his best to the good of Anambra people and the nation. He has remained dedicated to assigned duties for well over seven years in which time he has discharged all responsibilities assigned to him both at the State and Federal level with unequivocal diligence, candour and excellence.” 


Dr Okeke appealed to detractors not to distract him as he is focused on doing his best to ensure a successful conduct of the forthcoming governorship election and delivering victory to APC. “As a patriotic Nigerian, I do not want to spike tension and distractions amidst the people who should be left alone to listen to manifestoes to help them decide who gets to be the next Governor of Anambra State. All eyes should be on the ball at this time.” . 
