Union Tasks Polaris Bank New Owners On Job Security 


The National Union of Banks, Insurance and Financial Institutions Employees (NUBIFIE) has urged the new owners of Polaris Bank to ensure that the jobs of the existing staff are secure. 

The union in a statement issued by its Secretary General, Mr Sheikh Muhammed, on Sunday, said: “‘’As a Union, we insist on the right thing to be done, even as we are prepared to defend the rights of our members in any eventuality arising therefrom. 

‘’Whoever comes onboard at Polaris Bank must be prepared to treat existing staff with utmost care and guarantee of their job security and continuity which is the only sure way of ensuring industrial peace and harmony across the entire bank and its operations, ‘’ Muhammed said. 

The secretary-general expressed reservation at the manner in which the bank was sold and sought more transparency. 

He also expressed dismay that the workers were not informed about the sale of the bank. 


‘’Any claims of adherence to due process which excludes workers and their representative, as well as the general public, fades away in the face of reason and, cannot be seen to be transparent. 

‘’It was a matter of regret that workers who are critical factors and stakeholders were not informed either directly or through their Union representatives about the Sale of the bank, in which most have served and still serving the bank for most of their prime years, but unfortunately, are not recognised as important enough to be informed about the sale of their workplace, ‘’ he said. 

According to him, the union will discuss more on the matter at its forthcoming National Executive Council meeting. 

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and the Asset Management Company of Nigeria had on October 20, 2022  announced the sale of Polaris Bank to Strategic Capital Investment Limited. 
