Brazil and Costa Rica have joined the International Transport Forum (ITF) as the organisation’s 65th and 66th member countries.
The ITF’s highest statutory body, the Council of Ministers of Transport, voted to admit both Latin American nations on 24 May 2023 at its meeting in Leipzig, Germany.
Brazil’s Minister of Transport, Mr Renan Filho and Costa Rica’s Vice-Minister for Transport and Public Works, Mr Efraím Zeledón Leiva, were in attendance.
More than 1 000 delegates from around the world are meeting in Leipzig from 24 to -26 May for the annual summit of transport ministers under the theme “Transport Enabling Sustainable Economies”.
The ITF is the only intergovernmental organisation with a global mandate for all transport modes. Hosted by the OECD, the ITF acts as a think tank for transport policy and organises the global summit of ministers of transport every year.
On the occasion of Brazil’s accession to the ITF, Minister of Transport Renan Filho said:
“Brazil’s entry in the International Transport Forum comes at an extremely important moment, when our country reassumes its role as a regional leader and resumes its protagonism in the fight against hunger and in tackling issues associated with climate change. We want to build with our partners a global agenda that generates economic growth with income distribution and environmental sustainability. The Brazilian Government is convinced that it is through dialogue, respect and unity between countries that we will move forward and provide our people with a world with better opportunities for all. The transport sector has much to contribute to sustainable development and to the well-being of our peoples”.
On the occasion of Costa Rica’s accession to the ITF, Luis Amador, Minister of Public Works and Transport of Costa Rica, said:
“I thank the Ministers who approved the membership of Costa Rica to this important Forum. Being members means solid support for our nation and the efforts to stimulate economic development with better transportation routes, allowing the social interaction of the inhabitants and their co-existence. Through dialogue, technical cooperation, and the enrichment of knowledge, we will be able to achieve the development objectives that we have proposed.”
Welcoming the two new ITF member countries, ITF Secretary-General Young Tae Kim said:
“The ITF welcomes Brazil and Costa Rica with open arms as new members. We are proud to have with us two great Latin American nations.
Brazil brings a wealth of knowledge in transport matters to the table that will benefit all ITF members. Brazil gave the world the Bus Rapid Transit; it has the second-largest number of airports in the world, the second-busiest port in Latin America and is home to the world’s third-largest aircraft manufacturer. For their part, ITF members stand ready to share their experiences to help Brazil address transport issues that it wishes to tackle. I look forward to working with Minister Renan Filho and his team for better transport in Brazil and beyond.
Costa Rica is strategically located at the global crossroads between the Atlantic and the Pacific as well as North and South America. Its location, its skilled workforce and its free trade zones have made Costa Rica a hub for many international companies, including big names in the transport sector. And Costa Rica is a favourite travel destination for tourists from around the world. This rich expertise in many transport-related fields ensures Costa Rica will be a valued interlocutor in our discussions. And I am sure that Minister Luis Amador and his experts will find much inspiration in the experiences of other member countries for further improving Costa Rica’s transport systems.”