Keyamo: Nigeria Air Remains Suspended Indefinitely


The Nigeria Air project remains suspended indefinitely, Minister of Aviation and Aerospace Development, Festus Keyamo, declared on Monday.

 Reeling out the achievements of the aviation sector at the 3rd ministerial updates on in Abuja,  Keyamo said: “It remains suspended. It was never Air Nigeria. It was not Air Nigeria. That’s the truth. It was only painted Nigeria Air. It was Ethiopian Airlines trying to flag our flag,” Keyamo stated, “Air Nigeria must be indigenous, must be wholly Nigerian, and must be for the full benefits of Nigeria, not that 50 percent of the profit is for another country.”

Keyamo emphasised that the ownership structure of the suspended airline was not beneficial to the country. 

He reiterated, “Nigeria Air must be indigenous, it must be only Nigeria or it must be for the full benefit of Nigeria. Not that 60 percent of the profit is for another country. How does that benefit us? So it remains suspended.”
