NPA pledges improve power generation at seaports

The Management of Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) has called on operators at the Nation’s Seaports to collaborate as part of measures to boost power generation.
   The chairman of the Organisation’s board of Directors Mr. Emmanuel Adesoye, who gave this charge during the Directors facility tour of locations in western ports of the Organisation, explained that it is important for operators at the Nations Seaports to collaborate and think out of the box in the area of Independent power generation at the ports.
 He said: “Our nation is facing a hard time and we all have to work together to help the economy’’.
  He explained that  power is a major ingredient for National development, adding that “We have to deploy it”.  
According to him, the NPA would aim at maximizing the dividends of concession in order to handle grey areas in a holistic manner so as to engender a common harmonious result for stakeholders.
  The chairman told stakeholders that Government is desirous of stimulating agricultural produce export through the nation Seaport. This he said would amount to more generation for the nation.
In a statement issued by NPA’s General Manager in charge of Public Affairs, the Board chairman explained that it is critical to reduce berthing, waiting and turnaround time of vessels in order to improve revenue generation for the nation which would in turn impact positively on the living standard of the masses.
The NPA chairman stated that the Management would encourage the enabling Environment for all parties to operate positively whilst appreciating the magnitude of local content achieved already by operators across the board.
The facility tour is an on-going activity by the board members of the Organisation who were accompanied by the top Management of the NPA.
Amongst the board members who were with the chairman, Mr. Emmanuel Adesoye during the occasion were Mr. Charles Efe Emu Kowhate Sylvester, Mrs. I. J. Uche Okoro and Umar Shu’iaibu.